
Poenaiki Raioha and Emmy Merrill have been crowned the 2014 ISA World SUP Surfing champions, in Granada, Nicaragua. The young World Champions, Raioha, who is 17 years-old and the 20 year old, Merrill, who demonstrated the arrival of a new generation in the sport.
After spending an entire week in a near total internet blackout, at one of the most remote locations I think I have ever been to, we headed back to San Francisco and civilisation as the end of our trip drew near. Of course there will be a full feature on our trip to the SoloSports set up in Punta San Carlos, Baja California in the next issue… In the meantime though we didn’t feel like wasting a day and so we headed to Waddell Creek to check out the action.
Manu PORTET, F-One Pro SUP and Surf rider, takes us on a wild tour of the best spots in the Basque region, in the South West of France. Equipped with his F-One Madeiro Pro 7'5'' x 26'', Manu amazes us again and again with his radical and powerful style.
After a year of research & testing, the ultimate weapon to improve your strapless & SUP level is now OUT! Works on pads. MANERA "Magic Wax" is specifically designed for strapless kiteboarding & SUP use.
The MANERA drybag has been developed to be handy in all situations. Carry your drinking water or other personal items when SUPing, save your important equipment when going long distances, or store your wet kitesurfing stuff.
We haven't had the pleasure of featuring a female kiteboarder before on the GN4LW site so we were really excited when someone Katie knew reached out to us to fill us in on what she is up to out in the Dominican Republic.
Join Sea Land Adventures at their 3rd Annual F-One Kite and SUP Demo April 26-27th at Station 28.5 on Sullivan Island near Charleston South Carolina. And don't forget Sealand Sports throws a hell of a party afterwards
Please save the dates on your calendar for 2014 SURF EXPO where we will present the 2015 F-One and Manera Collection
BAKS crew will be on deck at Boardsports School in Alameda Crown Beach, CASaturday April 5th (backup date April 6th depending on weather conditions) to present the 2014 collection of F-One kites, twin tips, surfboards, stand up paddles and Manera accessories
F-One in America is really stoked to have grom Evan Drye joining the team. Evan is quite young but already very passionate about kiteboarding and wants to join the F-One Next Generation team (currently in Tarifa).
Even if you think the wind is not there, the tree tips not moving an inch with lake tahoe just flat glassy, it can actually blow 20 mph on the ridges. What you really need is somebody that knows the area, knows how to read the sensors at the top of the nearby ski resorts, and if you have the right guide with you, and we did in the person of F-One team rider Tyler Brown, the result is one magical day of snowkiting
Come try out the entire 2014 lineup of F-One products, new Bandit kites, twin tips (Trax and Acid) , surfboards (Mitu Pro and Signature) and SUP’s in Pensacola and Fort Walton, Florida! Hosted by LTD Watersports.