“In this issue, we’ve got the hottest new release form F-ONE on test, sure to please the wave riders amongst us.” Discover the Bandit S4 through the eyes of IKSURF Magazine.
The BANDIT S4 follows your every move in total control. The kite never surges in power if you throw it in the window; it simply allows you to kite smoothly in the right position and ride by feel. It provides a more subtle ride as well as a constant connection with your board. You are not being pulled away, nor are your trajectories being disturbed.
This kite brings an amazing handling and a super crisp steering response that delivers immediate reaction from inputs on the bar. It’s easy to keep the BANDIT S4 ahead of every move and ready for the next input. Power delivery is clean, and although quick, very intuitive in feel to adapt to.
Thanks to its legendary Delta C-Shape, the only still-patented kite design, this kite offers incomparable bar feeling, the best relaunching ability and exceptional stability.