An ode to seafarers.
Maxime Chabloz is a Seafarer, a man of the sea, a versatile athlete and a lover of the wind and watersport. Often surrounded by the ocean and other enthusiasts, this time he decides to go alone on a unique journey to the end of the world.
Maxime sets off in his Citroen 2CV towards Finistère for a solitary adventure. It quickly becomes an introspective journey, punctuated only by timely encounters with other lovers of the water, former lighthouse keepers and their descendants, people who, like him, are all united by a life dedicated to the sea.

” This is the first time I’m going on a trip by myself. With MANERA, we wanted to do something different this time around. We wanted to stay in France, show off the beauty of this land, and meet other people who are passionate about the sea, “Seafarers” like me.
I’ll be all alone, something I’d never experienced before on a MANERA trip. But when they told me I’d be meeting former lighthouse keepers and their descendants, and that I’d be discovering these historic edifices, I immediately agreed. “
“After all, we’re fairly similar. There are many kinds of seafarers and sailors. I’m also one, in my own way. I’m passionate about the wind and all water sports, but also about stories and everything that links us to the sea.
Nonetheless, I’m apprehensive about the solitude that awaits me for the next 10 days, even if it’s always great to set off on an adventure into the unknown. Feeling alone in the world is something unique and special.”