This F-One America rider spotlight features Hawaii’s Liam Coralle. With explosive wingfoil freestyle and progressive foil surfing maneuvers, keep an eye out for this up and coming Maui ripper!
Name: Liam Coralle
Age: 15
Height: 6ft
Where do you live throughout the year: Maui, Hawaii
Let’s talk about your watersports background. Which watersports were you involved prior to wingfoiling and foil surfing? Surfing and windsurfing
When did you start wingfoiling: August 2020
When did you start foil surfing: June 2021
Favorite wing spot: Kanaha, Maui
Favorite wing trick: Front flip
What wing trick are you working on landing next? Front flip 360
Favorite size wing to fly: 3.5m
Favorite foil surf spot: Kahului Harbor, Maui
Favorite foil surf trick: Backflip on the wave
What foil surfing trick or maneuver are you working on next? Front flip
What’s your go-to foil and board combination, what do you ride on a typical day and why for both wingfoiling and foil surfing? For wingfoiling, I really like the Rocket Wing-S Carbon 36L with 530 Escape HM Carbon. I like that combination because the 530 is really fast which is awesome to go high on my tricks. The board has enough volume to get fast back on the foil and is small enough to rotate easily during the tricks. For foil surfing my go-to is the Rocket Surf 33L, 1080 Phantom Carbon or 740 Phantom-S Carbon. The Rocket Surf 33L is easy to paddle and its light. I like the Phantom 1080 for the glide and the 740 for tricks.
Idols and professional athletes, do you have an idol that you look up to in the wind or watersports industry? Kai Lenny, Balz Muller
Is there a location you dream of wingfoiling or foil surfing one day? All of the GWA locations!
Favorite post wing or foil meal: Pasta
Who’s you favorite person to follow on instagram: @kai_lenny