Fly-Fest Ecuador, October 2015
It’s that time again, Fly-Fest at Santa Marianita Beach, Ecuador presented by GreenDot and OceanFreaks is two weeks away. The first week of October is right around the corner and the f-one crew will be on deck to demo the latest 2016 products from F-ONE and Manera. This is the biggest kiteboarding event and party in South America, Where all the riders and brands meet to have fun, enjoy riding together, and of course party like a rock star!!!
F-ONE is a proud sponsor of flyfest for the second year in a row. This will be a great opportunity for nearby riders in other countries to visit and demo the 2016 gear!
We are looking forward to seeing new faces on the water, and most of all putting our 2016 collection up for you to demo. This is one event you don’t want to miss, hope to see you there!
Location: Santa Marianita – Manta – Ecuador
Dates: October 1,2,3
Events: Kite exhibition, live music concert, Fashion Show, Awards and Fly-Fest closing party.
Video Link: Fly Fest #3
To learn more visit: