There’s always that worry when planning a kite demo that mother nature will cooperate and send wind. Or, as in the case of the F-One June 2 demo at Coyote Point – that there is too much of a good thing.
The day looked promising as wind was up enough early in the morning that demoing the SUP line was out of the question. A fluke system sent winds gusting from 18-36 and clocked thi wind around to a direction that made launching and landing in the confined area of Coyote Point just too hazardous. After brief sessions the F-One team closed the demo for the safety of all. The day still turned into an opportunity to connect with old and new customers as the scheduled BBQ became the activity of the day.
Kiteboarding instructor Vincent models the Underwave 3/4 short leg wetsuit while grilling up food for everyone.
The following day, for the Third Ave demo the wind patterns were back to normal and by 1pm conditions had set up for a classic Bay Area windy day. Kiters around the area were ready to get out on the water in good conditions after the crazy conditions of the previous day.
The day was a great success. There would be more pictures of happy kiters demoing the kites if the F-One crew hadn’t been so busy launching and landing kites and introducing new customers to the gear from the moment the first kite was pumped up until the wind tapered off in the evening Feedback from riders demoing the kites was surprisethe turning capability of the 11 and 12 meter kites. Some intermediate riders thought the Volt2 was their favorite kite they had tried all day Again, the surfboards were very popular even though Third Ave is not known as a wave spot. The Fish 5’4, with it’s strong upwind capability is perfect for 3rd Ave and The Bay. The Signature 5.10″ quad is the ultimate directional weapon.